Infonews n°247 recommended the article from the New York Times :
’15 Years on the Bottom Rung’, By Anthony DePalma,May 27, 2005
On eTeachNet, our colleague Annie Gwynn recommends this complement by the NYT in « Class Matters » : an audioslide show which provides an audio visual and easier version of this long article. The sound is sometimes difficult to understand because of the accents, but you can always refer the students to the article… It features an interesting parallel between a Greek immigrant who made it and a Mexican immigrant still fighting to find enough money to raise his family. See especially the passage when both work in the restaurant, as a manager and an employee…
About immigration and finding jobs, read also :
« Who Has Work? He Who Finds Busboys » (May 27, 2005)
and see that graph about how class works
and other resources from the page
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