Marc Auchet, professeur de Suédois à la Sorbonne à Paris et traducteur des oeuvres d’Andersen vous invite à un symposium international sur Hans Christian Andersen qui se tiendra les
17 et 18 juin 2005 à la Sorbonne, à Paris.
Voici ce qu’il dit : « Apart from [contributing with] my new translation [into French] of the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen, which have been given a splendid reception by critics in many newspapers and on the radio, I will host an international Andersen symposium set to take place at Sorbonne on 17 and 18 June with the active participation of one or two renowned French actors/actresses and a Danish singer Anne Shin, who will perform some of Andersen’s famous songs. This will take place at the magnificent Amphithéâtre Richelieu. Of the publications I have contributed to I will emphasise the commended educational magazine « Textes et documents pour la classe », which will issue a special feature edition in September. The magazine has more than 20,000 subscribers and will reach a large proportion of the field of education in France. Teachers and pupils will benefit from this by becoming more familiar with Andersen. »
Autres expos, spectacles et concerts à Paris pour le Bicentenaire:
Information sur les manifestations en Suède: