la lettre d’information [LII New This Week]du 2 février recommande trois sites pour le collège, à propos des chiens qui sauvent des gens dans des catastrophes ou qui sont employés par l’armée américaine dans des ortganisations comme la FEMA, la CIA ou le FBI.
– Canine’s Role in Urban Search and Rescue
A small site on the role of dogs in search-and-rescue operations to locate humans trapped in collapsed structures. Includes basic facts about search-and-rescue dogs, a page for children (with « Canine Heroes » trading cards), and a photo gallery of dogs involved in search-and-rescue efforts following the World Trade Center collapse on September 11, 2001. From the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
– CIA’s K-9 Corps
Child-friendly details about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) K-9 Corps (established in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War) and the dogs it trains to search for explosives, drugs, and humans. Includes profiles and images of some of the dogs. From the CIA’s page for children.
– FBI Working Dogs
This colorful, child-friendly site describes working dogs used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to locate chemical explosives, detect drugs, perform search and rescue operations, and provide services for the disabled. Include profiles and images of some of the FBI dogs. From the FBI website for children.