The film by Roman Polanski comes out in October. At the moment, lower primary schools and some primary schools have received a teachers’ kit, but in French. Here is the site in English, and this one is interesting and full of information (unlike the French site!)
*** and the English teaching guide ( 6 pages with the synopsis and ideas of activities, and a contest, but only for the US…too bad!)
the first chapter of the book
the best site about Dickens : David Purdue’s site, recommended on the site of the film
about the book (from Wikipedia)
to download the whole book (free online)
from book to film
***and remember that to study a film, you will certainly find free resources in this excellent site: (see for example « teaching trailers »)
you can also find interesting documents in this PBS companion site to Alan Bleasdale’s adaptation of the book for television. Here is the teachers’ guide:
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