Walk the Line is James Mangold’s movie about Johnny Cash, his life and the music of the late 60’s, with a love story and splendid actress Reese Witherspoon. I’m not sure this film will captivate the students, but I think you may enjoy it as a holiday entertainment. The actors do their own singing and playing and the review are rather good. It will be released on February 15th in France.
If you want to use it in class, the BBC offers an audio file with an interview of Reese Witherspoon about the music in the film. The page is complete, with questions to think of while listening, a script and some vocabulary
official site of the film
some info and reviews about the film
the trailers and some clips from the film
several clips of the songs, a nice featurette and several interviews
many addresses (trailers, bios, etc.)
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