[LII New This Week] May 18 recommends this « How Not to Get Hit by Cars » site, with drawing depicting situations and an interesting list of advices.
« Tips for bicyclists for avoiding collisions with cars. Discusses headlights (for night riding), honking and yelling, riding positions, using handlebar or helmet mirrors, passing cars, choice of streets, and related topics. Includes diagrams showing typical interactions between cars and bicycles on the road. From CICLE (Cyclists Inciting Change Thru Live Exchange), a bicycle advocacy group based in Los Angeles. »
To find more documents on this topic, don’t forget the excellent « THINK » from the UK government, including the pages for children « hedgehog » with songs and animations, and the « arrive alive » cycling advices site from THINK and the « cycle smart » site from Disney Channel (flash, with cartoons and real stories to read).
and the page of video, audio and printed media to download for free
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