Des profs formés par Amazon 

Dix à 20 enseignants (éco gestion, maths et STI) sont attendus chez Amazon pour un stage sur le cloud de cette entreprise. C'est un des stages courts proposés dans le cadre du Cerpep. Le Cerpep propose des stages de 1 à 5 jours permettant de découvrir l'entreprise, notamment "en accompagnement de management pour les postes des personnels d'encadrement". Plus de 3500 stages sont proposés par le ministère dans ce cadre. Ainsi on peut faire un stage de maths financières à l'IEFP, du management humaniste auprès d'Ausspar ou encore "devenir intrapreneur " de son établissement grâce aux 100 000 entrepreneurs.


Sur Eduscol



Par fjarraud , le jeudi 18 octobre 2018.


  • MrTechSonu, le 17/05/2021 à 17:26
    All lucky draw winners are notified via SMS / e-mail / notification. Alternately, you can also click on the 'Lucky draw winners' tab of the 'fun zone' feature. You can select the month and contest game name that you have participated in to find your name.Winners of Amazon PAY balance receive SMS on their registered mobile number within 48hrs of credit of the amount. Winners who won a discount coupon as a prize can collect their coupon at the end of gameplay or can visit the 'Your rewards' section on Amazon Pay to collect the coupon (s).
    • amanfir, le 04/06/2022 à 07:08
      All lucky draw winners are notified via SMS / email / notification. 
      Alternatively, you can also click on the 'Lucky draw winners' tab of the 'fun zone' feature. You can select the
      Supprimer l'élément month and contest game name that you have participated in to find your name. PAY  balance receive SMS on their registered mobile number within 48hrs of credit of the amount. Winners who won a discount coupon as a prize can collect their coupon at the end of gameplay or can visit the 'Your rewards' section on Amazon Pay to collect the coupon(s).

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