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If you can't beat'em, join'em 

Discover Teacher Tube

Here is what The Scout Report  from May 25 says : "Unless you've just returned from a long stay in a remote jungle, you've probably heard about YouTube, the website where many thousands of cybernauts (nuts?) have posted video clips featuring everything from particle physics to piano-playing cats. Enterprising 21st Century teachers were quick to seize on the potential of YouTube as a classroom resource, but frankly, you have to pan through a lot of muddy material to find the gold. Solution: A new website for educators called TeacherTube which "takes the sharing, production, and community-building aspects of YouTube and offers an educator's version," according to a recent story at Edutopia. The site's founders want to "fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners." You can browse what's already been posted and help this worthwhile project grow by sharing content created by yourself, your students and/or your colleagues!"

See this video about the new digital learners that our students are:
"Engage them, don't enrage them!"    " If you can't beat'em, join'em"


Le sujet du bac 2007 métropole est "video game addiction" :


qui présente des enfants malades des jeux vidéos que leurs parents essaient désespérément de désintoxiquer.


La lettre "21st Century Connections News - May 2007" démontre l'opposé à travers une étude qui montre que : "Game players are more rooted in reality than film viewers, says a new report published in the UK. The project supports a virtually unanimous opinion among gamers that play does not need lead to real life violence."


Voici de quoi commencer l'année scolaire prochaine!


Par reymond , le vendredi 15 juin 2007.


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