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New Year Resolutions 

Laurence Bernard, notre collègue de Martinique, a créé une séquence sur New year's resolutions pour les élèves de troisième, mais vous pouvez l'adapter à d'autres niveaux. C'est un travail très complet, qui propose une démarche pour faie une production écrite, mais propose aussi des ressources intéressantes comme les résolutions de Bridget Jones, des cartoons et un court film. Allez voir:

Si vous préférez travailler avec d'autres sources, voici des suggestions:

The best sites

as usual, our colleague Michèle Henry has selected the sites she find the most useful especially with beginners and intermediate students. Discover them, and especilly the chart of the resolutions.


Essay writing

Laurence Bernard recommends this lesson plan to encourage students to write and essay with the future and link words:

Here is another lesson plan of the same type, create by a primary school teacher in the US

She also recommends this video : "Don't be a Gary" - resolve": great fun! easy to understand (from YouTube)


Tips about what resolutions to take

Here are other texts with tips and advices


List of resolutions

 very easy list of resolutions, and the children vote for the one which is most important to them. You can use them even with beginners. After the vote, the students can access a funny flash interactive site which shows them a list of fun resolutions.


Setting your goals

About.com offers a more complete (and complex) approach, with a useful reflection for educators on how to maintain motivation and how to help the students set realistic goals and meet them.

Don't miss the worksheets in the related resources, with especially this one about writing specific goals which helps students setting sub goals or intermediate steps to go from general to specific goals


Another lesson plan

A lesson plan with the history of the resolutions, and how to keep them. Created for 9th grader, that is the last year of primary school in the US, this lesson plan can be used with intermediate ESL students.




Par reymond , le mardi 15 décembre 2009.


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