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Rugby World Cup 

The world Cup is in France!


To make students talk, or just to decorate the classroom, download this poster with portraits of rugby players from all over the world and the words : "be like them, learn French!". You can for example make students locate the different countries on a map, find their name in English and the language they speak

*** and you can start the topic with this webquest from Sylvie Marc (for lower intermediates)

On e-teach, Sophie Leray made us discover Le kit de survie *** "oui, je parle Rugby / French survival kit" in French, English and Spanish : with practical French vocabulary (introduce yourself, at the hotel, at the restaurant, etc.), and also informations about cities important to rugby (St Etienne, Toulouse, Cardiff, Edimburg)
Le lexique du rugby (en trois langues)

Line Berthaud has found two pages with links to informations, documents, etc.
and this funny site about Haka

An excellent address was found by Laure Peskine who recommends it on the APLV website : you find adresses of *** documents and ideas of how and when to use them and with what students at all three levels : primary, lower secondary and upper secondary.

Take your time and explore all the resources, it is really well done.

On eteachnet, Delphine Durand recommends two audio files plus transcript from elllo:
- one comparing rugby and american football and soccer
- one about how young students from Wales are all into rugby

Isabelle Deveyneix recommends this site with debates about the World Cup (you can also hear some of the French players speaking English!) :
you can also view the profile of the legends
download the podcasts (remember to download them immediately because they are often changed)
or invite your student sto take part in the written debate in the forum
or take part in the live chat sessions

Céline Larmusiaux recommends Edrugby : lessons and activities around rugby, to teach how to keep fit, feed correctly, discover the game, etc. (from an Australian website of lessons for primary school English Speaking students)

Alain Robert has found this very comprehensive site, with a history of rugby and many links and a map of the world cup countries with the best results (name the countries!)

Dans la lettre d'information de l'APLV voyez l'article : "La Coupe du Monde de rugby touche aussi le linguistique ! par  Sylviane HALPHEN, qui signale que pour la première fois de son histoire, la Coupe du Monde de Rugby est organisée dans un pays francophone et que les ministères ont été très actifs pour permettre aux participants de se comprendre et d'être bien accueillis.

Videos : here is one with a song, there are several on the haka, but I found none really convincing...Have a look and choose:

Rugby Vocabulary
Michèle Henry found this page from the BBC with all the rules, names of the positions and of the parts of the equipment. The second address is a complement to the Survival Kit I recommended last week, in which the name of the parts of the equipment were only in French. Here is the drawing with the words in English

An audio file + transcript + worksheets
Sylvie Marc recommends this audio file and transcript about Jonah Lomu, with comprehension questions.

A plan for a teaching unit
*** Caritha Kibodi recommends this page from the CNDP with a lots of resources about rugby for lower secondary school ( in French)

Haka video and text
Muriel Hostaléry found this page presenting the Haka : you can download audio and video files, and read information about the tradition of haka, plus the translation of some of the words.
This comes as a useful help to complement the excellent webquest from our colleague Sylvie Marc which was given last week (the page with the videos is there:

In the magazines
Kimberly Oger dit : "Il y a des activités (CE et CO) sur le rugby dans le New Standpoints de février 2005, et New Standpoints annonce également quelque chose dans le numéro de Septembre, qu'on attend impatiemment, d'ailleurs.
Speakeasy aussi a fait un article sur le rugby, et vous trouverez un petit texte et quelques liens ici :

Par reymond , le samedi 15 septembre 2007.


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