Nous avons sans cesse besoin de sites interactifs pour faire travailler les élèves en autonomie, de dessins déclencheurs de parole et de films pour travailler la compréhension audio de façon agréable. Voici trois sites :
– le premier avec des images sur les thèmes de global warming (croisé avec le changement de majorité aux US et les bonnes résolutions de début d’année),
– le deuxième est un jeu pour découvrir comme il est difficile de survivre à Haïti, ce pays si pauvre,
– et le dernier, pour des élèves de bon niveu, présente des films sur les « Canadian Aboriginals », un thème rarement abordé, qui ira avec les thèmes culturels de « vivre ensemble » mais aussi « les conflits ».
On e-teach, our colleague Valérie Gély recommends the cartoons about global warming, on Cagle, the well-known site of cartoons:
and especially this « happy feet » cartoon with a link to the elections in the US
see also this cartoon linked to new year’s resolutions
Ayiti, an interactive game about living in Haiti
Riverdeep’s Classroom Flyer, Friday, January 12th recommends this site from the UNICEF : Voice of Youth.
There, « students will learn about the real life problems of youth around the world, as well as global opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Interactive games support the effort, including Ayiti, exploring what it is really like to live in poverty. Child rights, water and environmental sanitation, education, and childhood disease are just some of the topics to explore. »
I selected two interactive games:
– « What would you do? », which invites students to discover how difficult it is to live with aids and VIH in Africa.
– « Ayiti » A challenging role playing game created by Global Kids and Gamelab, in which you take responsibility for a family of five in rural Haiti. Through this game, students will discover what it is like to live in poverty, struggling every day to stay healthy, keep out of debt, and get educated
[ for intermediate students.]
Aboriginal Perspectives
Aboriginal Perspectives, a site for high school and upper elementary students and teachers that features National Film Board of Canada documentaries by and about Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. There, the term “Aboriginal peoples” covers the First Nations (Indian), Métis people and Inuit.
this site is interesting to learn about native people in Canada, a perspective that we rarely have. Upper intermediate students will enjoy the videos, especially those for hearing impaired people who have full subtitles. Here is the presentation from the site:
« On this site you will be able to:
– Watch key NFB documentaries on Aboriginal themes from the 1940s to 2004.
– Learn about past and current issues relating to the lives of Aboriginal peoples through excerpts or complete films.
– Read critical commentary on the issues.
– Develop critical thinking and media literacy skills.
– Use the Excerpt Library tool to develop a personal collection of film excerpts.
The Aboriginal Visions module contains 33 documentaries, a short fiction film, and 5 film clips. The user will find films on many important aspects of Aboriginal culture and heritage, its diverse communities, and some of the major issues and significant moments in its history. 27 films are available with closed captioning for hearing impaired people. » (from the site)