Here is a 35mn video (no transcript) to discover what a first year of teaching is like in the US and what problems they tackle with. See the meeting of teachers with problem children : is it much different in France?
Riverdeep’s Classroom Flyer, Thursday, May 4th presents it : « Four public school teachers start their career in some of the toughest schools in America, in the Los Angeles school district. What does it take? How did they fare during their first year of teaching? You can watch this 35 minute award-winning film online, and then send us your feedback on the film. Start a discussion on this documentary by sending your comments at:
/> »
« TEACH chronicles the determination and commitment of four young teachers as they fight the real fight: educating our children.
Davis Guggenheim’s award-winning documentary reveals the human side of the story: showing what it takes to survive the first year teaching in America’s toughest schools. (35 min.) » 🙁 from the website)
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