This site features interactive (Flash) exercices and lessons for English speakers aged 5 to 12, in maths, english language, language skills and science . I think we can use it to teach English in primary school (or teach science in English, or encourage the students to learn by themselves).
– In the English language section, you find very easy animations : dialogues with sound. the easiest, for young beginners, is just about hello and good-bye. In the highest level, you find a longer dialogue that you first hear, and then you choose the right answer to fill in the blanks in the sentences. You can then hear the dialogue sentence by sentence. A good comprehension exercise for lower intermediates.
– In the language skill section, you find a presentation ( a bit long, but interesting comprehension exercise for lower intermediates) and then short quick exercises about compound words ( cupcake, bedroom, etc.)
– in the science section, the girl presenting the exercises speaks faster and is more difficult to understand, but the exercises can be interesting for children aged 5/9 : they just have to associate an animal and its habitat. Older children will enjoy trying to understand the comments when they make a mistake…
Thot Cursus recommends it this week:
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