One day in 1968, on the morning after the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Jane Elliott changed her lesson plan and divided her Iowa elementary school class into blue and brown-eyed children, for an experiment that became synonymous with lessons on bigotry and discrimination for students, parents and communities. The site from PBS presents the whole TV show with the transcripts, relives the experiment, features an interview with Elliott, and much more. The videos made from the actual classroom experiment in 1968 and the present are extremely powerful! An impressive, to say the least, collection of multi-media promotes student investigation, regardless of proficiency level or special needs–the site features video presentation, with and without transcripts, material for all kinds of learning, a real treasure trove.
Commentaire de la collègue d’Israël qui signale le site :
« I was impressed (as I usually am with PBS resources on the net) with the collection of multi-media that would promote student investigation, regardless of his/her proficiency level or special needs–the site features video presentation, with and without transcripts, material for all kinds of learning, a real treasure trove. For those who are having problems with slow connections, I find that downloading material, and making up a directory of resources on a local network that students can have access to, often solves this problem. Or doing a very simply web page with connections to a local network…OR…well, let your imagination run wild… (And that–somewhat anti-internet folks–is one of the reasons why the internet is so great! It would (and does) take an everyday classroom teacher tons of hours to even do a small amount of multi-sensory material presentation. A picture is still often worth a thousand words…and a video? Well….).
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