Dossier spécial
Make your voice heard! (from Suzanne Pratcher)
Here is part of the results of the Spring Teachers meeting in Paris.
Suzanne offer you this interactive site on which your pupils can enter their texts about their dreams, ideas or suggestions about the future of Europe. And you will find lots of other ideas of activities on this page:
to register for Spring Day, go to:
on her site, you can also see the reports of our Spring Teachers meeting (with photos of us all 😉
Mind maps (from Nuria de Salvador)
on the site of this Spring teacher from Spain, you can find activities she did with her pupils in English, to help them understand Europe better and discuss its future:
on this page, you find a menu on the left. Scroll down to ‘mind maps’ and click on it : the picture of what the pupils did is difficult to read, but you still get an idea of what the pupils can produce, and you have a link at the bottom of the page to find out more about what mind maps are. Then go to ‘instructions’ and you find worksheets and useful links to set the work going. Then, in ‘corrected mind map’ you find a nice example of what you can obtain.
A very interesting exercise, to work in the same way as webquest, but with a different way to present the results.
Quizzes (from Suzanne Pratcher)
Suzanne has also put online a list of very interesting quizzes about the countries in the project:
Interactive map (from resources on Spring Day)
a precious resource if your pupils don’t know where all the countries of enlarged europe are:
this map can be used from primary school onward. It is a bit too easy for upper secondary school, but it can be a useful start point for researches.You can find this resource and many more in the resource page of the Spring Day website:
Activité sur l’Art (from Josiane Laval)
Une activité autour de l’ART en Europe au XXème siècle, destinée à des élèves anglicistes. Les professeurs intéressés pourront consulter les activités à la page suivante – pour faciliter le travail, une version word téléchargeable est proposée.
Les réponses peuvent être demandées à mon adresse ; elles seront ensuite visibles sur le site à compter du 21 mars , jour du Printemps de l’Europe.
Une page de liens pour tout savoir sur l’Europe, préparée par Jean Philippe Raud Dugal:
Special report from the Guardian
this excellent page offers a complete outlook on the euro, and links to articles, polls and interactive quizzes.,7368,396838,00.html
and this is the special report about ‘ European integration’ . You will also find there lots of documents to work on Europe and study the point of view of England and several other countries…
Retrouvez des idées d’activités et toutes les infos utiles sur le site du Spring Teacher pour la France, Jean-Philippe Raud Dugal:
une page de liens pour tout savoir sur l’Europe, préparée par Jean Philippe Raud Dugal: